Restorative Dentistry

in Brandon, Florida

Restoring Oral Health,
Reinvigorating Smiles

Mora Dental Studio provides restorative dentistry services to patients in Brandon, Florida, and the surrounding areas. Restorative dentistry is a branch of general dentistry that is focused on restoring the function of your dentition. Common restorative dentistry procedures include dental crowns, bridges, inlays, onlays, and bridges.

Continue reading to learn more about the restorative dentistry services offered by our family dentist Brandon, Florida.

What Conditions are Treated
with Restorative Dentistry?

What Conditions are Treated with Restorative Dentistry?

Restorative dentistry is used to treat a variety of conditions, such as:
If you are experiencing any of the above, call Mora Dental Studio to schedule a restorative dentistry consultation today!

Why it's Important to
Replace Missing Teeth

If you’ve had a tooth pulled due to infection, you may mistakenly believe that the extraction solved the problem. In reality, having a tooth pulled is just one step in the process to your restoring your oral health and function. Here’s why.

When a tooth is not replaced, it can cause the jawbone around the socket to resorb, which can alter your bite and facial appearance over time. Also, missing teeth can cause other teeth to go out of alignment or even cause the opposing teeth to super erupt, leading to additional complications such as temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ) and uneven wear on biting surfaces. 

Our Dentistry Services

Chipped, cracked, or missing teeth? Let's restore your oral health and confidence!

Chipped, cracked, or missing teeth?

Let's restore your oral health and confidence!

Call us today to schedule your appointment with Dr. Viviana Mora. Let’s keep those smiles healthy!